*updated February 16, 2023
- Membership fee is $50 for a family membership.
- Only youth competing in the series for year end awards must join as members.
-Contestants must be 18 years or younger.
-Age group is determined by the age of the contestant on January 1, 2023.
- To compete for series awards, contestants must become members by the second rodeo of the series and compete in 2 or more of the same event at 6 or more rodeos.
Event Rules:
- All contestants must wear western boots, blue jeans, and a collared shirt or current Cowkids Youth Rodeo shirt to compete in any event or will receive a NO TIME.
- Rough stock riders must provide their own rigging, and gear to participate.
- Any contestant or parent of contestant using foul language or vulgar displays will result in contestant to forfeit their events for the day.
- Any abuse to any livestock will result in contestant forfeit for the day.
- All contestants must be signed up for each event by the start of the event prior to the one they are competing in.
-Contestants can enter up to two times in each event, but only the one run in the event of their age division will receive points.
-All decisions by the judges are final NO EXCEPTIONS.
-All roping stock will be chute run.
-Dragging will be decided on based on the number of entries and decision by the judges is FINAL.
-Official times will be posted after each event. All announced times are unofficial.
-Flag race: There will be a 30 second time limit. Contestants MUST run a continuous forward motion "horseshoe" pattern only. They may NOT circle back. This will be considered a broken pattern resulting in No Time.
-Breakaway Roping: There will be a 45 second time limit. Two loops are permitted. The second loop may be carried or the contestant can rebuild.
-Team Roping: There will be a 45 second time limit. Three loops are permitted per team. The second loop may be carried or the contestant can rebuild.
_Trail Course: There will be a 60 second time limit. Only difference is that the jump will be removed for the 9-13 age division.
-All rules in question will refer to Little Britches Rules. The Judge makes the final call.
*This is a breakdown of the time limits for each age division:
14-18 Age Division
Breakaway: There will be a (thirty) 30-second time limit in this event.
Barrels: There will be a (thirty) 30-second time limit in this event.
Goats: There will be a (thirty) 30-second time limit in this event.
Trail Course: There will be a (sixty) 60-second time limit in this event.
Pole Bending: There will be a (thirty) 30-second time limit in this event.
9-13 Age Division
Breakaway Roping: The rules for breakaway roping are the same as for the 14-18 age division.
Barrel Racing: The rules for barrel racing are the same as for 14-18 age division, except the time limit is 45-seconds.
Goat Tying: The rules for goat tying are the same as for 14-18 age division, except the time limit is 30-seconds.
Trail Course: The rules for trail course are the same as in 14-18 age division.
Pole Bending: The rules for pole bending are the same as in the 14-18 age division, except the time limit is 45-seconds.
5-8 Age Division
Barrels: The rules for barrel racing are the same as for 9-13 age division.
Goat Tail Untying: There will be a (forty-five) 45-second time limit in this event.
Flag Racing: The rules for flag race are the same as for 9-13 age division, except time limit will be (forty-five) 45-seconds.
Pole Bending: The rules for pole bending are the same as for 9-13 age division.
Series Awards:
-All contestants must participate in at least 2 or more events in 6 of the 9 rodeos to be eligible for awards.
-6 and under that participate in at least 2 or more events in 6 of the 9 rodeos will receive a participation buckle.
- A champion buckle will be awarded to first place in each event for each age group except 6 & under Little Wranglers.
- The reserve champion will be awarded for each event in each age group except 6 & under Little Wranglers, which is participation only.
- An all around buckle and saddle will be awarded to the cowboy or cowgirl with highest year end points for qualified rides.
- Scoring for year end awards will be on a 0 to 10 scale for each event, 0 being no score (did not participate or no time) and 10 being first place with the lowest time or best ride.
- After the final rodeo all scores will be tallied and the highest score for each event will be the first place winner. In a tie the attendance will be first tie breaker. Chronological will be the second tie breaker followed first places finishes then second place finishes etc.
-The all around cowboy or cowgirl in each age group with the highest combined points from qualified runs in all events will be the age group all around winner.
-6 and under Little Wranglers is participation only, and will not receive points.
- Points placings will only be awarded to the members first run in their respective age groups. Members second run or a run that is not in their age group will not count towards points placings. Non members run will not count in points placings. (This rule will be discussed and subject to change on the day of the 1st Rodeo).
- Points 5-8, 9-13, and 14-18 will awarded on a 10-1 system. 1st place will receive 10 points,2nd place will receive 9 points, 3rd place will receive 8 points, 4th place will receive 7 points, 5th place will receive 6 points, 6th place will receive 5 points, 7th place will receive 4 points, 8th place will receive 3 points, 9th place will receive 2 points, and 10th place will receive 1 point.
-All placings after 10th will receive 0 points.
-6 and under Little wranglers will receive a $2 payback in each event entered.
- 5-8, 9-13, and 14-18 age groups will have a 70% payback.
-All winnings will be paid in cash.